Portable Cigar Stand - Personalized Acrylic Cigar Stand
Portable Cigar Stand - Personalized Acrylic Cigar Stand
Portable Cigar Stand - Personalized Acrylic Cigar Stand
Portable Cigar Stand - Personalized Acrylic Cigar Stand
Portable Cigar Stand - Personalized Acrylic Cigar Stand
  • Portable Cigar Stand - Personalized Acrylic Cigar Stand
  • Portable Cigar Stand - Personalized Acrylic Cigar Stand
  • Portable Cigar Stand - Personalized Acrylic Cigar Stand
  • Portable Cigar Stand - Personalized Acrylic Cigar Stand
  • Portable Cigar Stand - Personalized Acrylic Cigar Stand

Portable Cigar Stand - Personalized Acrylic Cigar Stand

sku:Portable Cigar Stand Personalized Acrylic Cigar Stand/500PCS
Looking for a practical and stylish accessory to enhance your cigar smoking experience? Look no further than Cigar Stand! An essential item for any cigar enthusiast, the acrylic Cigar Stand offers stability, convenience, cleanliness, and elegance. Discover the benefits of the Cigar Stand today and take your cigar enjoyment to the next level!

1. The cigar stand is the perfect spot to rest a cigar if you need to set it down.

2. Cigar loving husbands and fathers will love this gift for making smoking even more relaxing.

3. Make this a fantastic holiday or birthday gift.

4. A perfect spot to rest a cigar when you need to use both hands.

5. The cigar holder when standing measures 3.25” x 2.75”.

6. Cigar Stand is an essential accessory for cigar enthusiasts. It is a simple yet practical stand that holds cigars in a safe and stable position while smoking.

$ 5.5~7.2

Today’s modern age has everyone going hands free, so do the same thing when you need to with your cigar! Use this cigar stand anytime you feel the need to take your hands off your cigar or for when there isn’t an ashtray nearby. The convenient stand is easy to collapse and fit into your pocket, making this perfect for cigar lovers who are on the go. You'll also get a lovely velour bag to keep your stand in to keep both pieces secure. There’s no need to worry anymore about your cigar flipping or rolling out of the ashtray because the acrylic cigar stand ensures your precious stogie isn’t going anywhere.This also makes a fantastic gift for cigar loving husbands and fathers. You’ve watched them smoke cigars for years, so why not take the time to make their life easier? As part of a holiday or birthday gift, get them a cigar stand that will make their next smoke even more relaxing! The cigar holder when standing measures 3.25” x 2.75.”

Acrylic Cigar Stand

Acrylic cigar stand that makes it an attractive purchase for cigar enthusiasts:

Stability: The cigar stand ensures that the cigar remains stable while smoking, preventing it from rolling off the table or getting damaged.

Even burn: Using a cigar stand allows for an even burn, resulting in a smoother and more enjoyable smoking experience.

Convenience: The cigar stand frees up your hands while smoking, allowing you to enjoy your cigar without having to hold it.

Cleanliness: The cigar stand keeps your hands clean and prevents ash from falling on your clothing or furniture.

Style: Cigar stands come in various designs and materials, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to your cigar smoking experience.

Versatility: The cigar stand is a practical accessory that can be used at home, in a restaurant, or a bar, making it a versatile addition to your collection.

Customization: Cigar stands can be customized with your preferred design or logo, making it a unique and personalized accessory.

Personalized Acrylic Cigar Stand

Looking for a practical and stylish accessory to enhance your cigar smoking experience? Look no further than Cigar Stand! An essential item for any cigar enthusiast, the acrylic Cigar Stand offers stability, convenience, cleanliness, and elegance. Discover the benefits of the Cigar Stand today and take your cigar enjoyment to the next level!

Portable Cigar Stand


About Acrylic Display/Acrylic Boxes or Other Acrylic Products Customization:

All our Acrylic Display/Acrylic Boxes are custom, The appearance & structure can be designed according to your requirements, Our designer will also consider according to the practical application and provide you the best & professional advice. So we have MOQ for each item, at least 100PCS per size/per color/per item. 

Creative Design:

We will design according to your product’s market positioning and practical application, Improve your product image and visual experience.

Recommended Plan:

If you do not have clear requirements, please provide us with your products, our professional designer will provide you several creative solutions, and you can choose the best one, We also provide OEM & ODM services.

About The Quotation:

The quotation engineer will provide you a quotation comprehensively, combining the order quantity, manufacturing processes, material, structure, etc.


acrylic display and acrylic box manufacturer

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